Testifying for the DC Archives
Any support for the DC Archives during the hearings can have an impact. Not only do we want our members to submit testimony, but we also want people who support the archives to do so as well. It is not hard to present testimony in a public hearing, although it is important to be aware of the protocol. Here are some basics.
You can submit a statement supporting the DC Archives. Send it directly to the committee as shown in the hearing notice.
Any support for the DC Archives during the hearings can have an impact. Not only do we want our members to submit testimony, but we also want people who support the archives to do so as well. It is not hard to present testimony in a public hearing, although it is important to be aware of the protocol. Here are some basics.
- Keep your testimony short. Individual citizens are given three minutes and organizations five minutes. People generally speak at the rate of 100 words per minute so that the maximum length of an individual's testimony is 300 words.
- Content. FDCA’s past testimony is a good guide.
- You must register in advance to testify. Contact the committee a week before the hearing. The council’s calendar lists its hearings.
- Due to Covid hearings are virtual, usually on Zoom..
- Always introduce and identify yourself. Thank the chair.
- Be prepared for last minute delays and schedule changes.
- Do not be surprised if only a few council members are present. They often have conflicting obligations or interests.
- Consult us at [email protected]. We are happy to answer your questions and will keep you apprised of any last minute changes to the schedule.
You can submit a statement supporting the DC Archives. Send it directly to the committee as shown in the hearing notice.