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The Open Government Coalition Testimony Supports the new Archives.
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Budget Hearings (FY 2022), Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, June 16, 2021, Testimony: Bill Rice
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, February 26, 2021, Testimony, Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Housing and Executive Administration, February 26, 2021, Testimony, Trudy Huskamp Peterson
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Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 17, 2020, Testimony: Katharina Hering
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 11, 2020, Testimony: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 17, 2020, Testimony: Fynnette Eaton
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 11, 2020, Testimony: Bill Rice
DC Council Committee on Government Operations Performance Oversight Hearing Announcement for Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Carl Bergman
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Bill Rice
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 11, 2020, Testimony: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 17, 2020, Testimony: Fynnette Eaton
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, June 11, 2020, Testimony: Bill Rice
DC Council Committee on Government Operations Performance Oversight Hearing Announcement for Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Carl Bergman
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Performance Oversight Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, Feb. 26, 2020, Testimony: Bill Rice
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DC Council Committee on Government Operations
Performance Oversight Hearing
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Performance Oversight Hearing
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
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Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, April 5, 2019, Testimony: Trudy Huskamp Peterson
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, April 5, 2019, Testimony: Bill Rice
Letter of Support for the DC Archives, MARAC, April 5, 2019
Budget Hearings, Committee on Government Operations, April 5, 2019, Testimony: Bill Rice
Letter of Support for the DC Archives, MARAC, April 5, 2019
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Testimony by Secretary Lauren Vaughan, September 27, 2018 (includes detailed report on the OPR prepared by Becky Katz and OPR staff!)
Testimony by Evelyn Wrin, DC Council Committee on Government Operations, DC Archives (Office of the Secretary of the District of Columbia), March 2, 2018.
Testimony by the Association of Oldest Inhabitants, Committee on Government Operations, Commission on Archives and Records Management Act of 2018, September 27, 2018
Friends of the DC Archives (Fynnette Eaton), Testimony before the Committee on Government Operations, Commission on Archives and Records Management Act of 2018, September 27, 2018
Friends of the DC Archives (Fynnette Eaton), Testimony before the Committee of Government Operations, Office of Public Records, Budget Oversight Hearings, April 26, 2018
Friends of the DC Archives (Fynnette Eaton/Bill Rice), Testimony before the Committee of Government Operations, Performance Oversight for the Office of Public Records and Archives, March 2, 2018
Testimony of the Friends of the DC Archives by Bill Rice, Committee on Government Operations, Performance Oversight Hearings, Office of the Secretary, February 17, 2017
Testimony of the Friends of the DC Archives by Bill Rice, Committee on Government Operations, Budget Hearings, April 11, 2017 (draft)
Testimony of the Friends of the DC Archives by Bill Rice, Committee on Government Operations, Budget Hearings, April 11, 2017 (draft)
FDCA member Bill Rice testifies in front of National Capital Planning Commission on the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, January 7, 2016
FDCA member Barbara Bates submits written testimony to the DC Council Committee of the Whole, February 19, 2016
FDCA Interim Chair Fynnette Eaton testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee on Education, February 23, 2016
FDCA member Bill Rice testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, February 25, 2016
Former Acting Archivist of the United States Trudy Peterson submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 6, 2016
Former FOIA Ombudsman Miriam Nisbet testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Katharina Hering testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Evelyn Wrin testifies in front of the DC Council Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
Johanna Bockman, Associate Professor of Sociology, George Mason University, testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
AOI President Bill Brown submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Eric Stoykovich submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA Interim Chair Fynnette Eaton testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, April 11, 2016
FDCA Member Bill Rice testifies in front of DC Council, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, April 22, 2016
FDCA member Barbara Bates submits written testimony to the DC Council Committee of the Whole, February 19, 2016
FDCA Interim Chair Fynnette Eaton testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee on Education, February 23, 2016
FDCA member Bill Rice testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, February 25, 2016
Former Acting Archivist of the United States Trudy Peterson submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 6, 2016
Former FOIA Ombudsman Miriam Nisbet testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Katharina Hering testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Evelyn Wrin testifies in front of the DC Council Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
Johanna Bockman, Associate Professor of Sociology, George Mason University, testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
AOI President Bill Brown submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA member Eric Stoykovich submits written testimony to the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, March 7, 2016
FDCA Interim Chair Fynnette Eaton testifies in front of the DC Council, Committee of the Whole, April 11, 2016
FDCA Member Bill Rice testifies in front of DC Council, Committee on Transportation and the Environment, April 22, 2016
Letters of Support
David Grosso, Chairman of the Committee on Education, to Admiral Christopher Weaver, Director of the DC Department of General Services, November 6, 2015
Letters from Members
FDCA Co-Chairs to Attorney General Karl Racine, January 22, 2015
AOI President to DC Auditor Kathy Patterson, January 12, 2015
AOI President to Phil Mendelson and Mary Cheh on urgent need for staffing of DC Archives, April 14, 2015
Fynnette Eaton on the RFP process in testimony submitted to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, February 23, 2015
Fynnette Eaton on the need for a new public records administrator to help plan for a new facility submitted to the DC Council Committee on the Whole, March 12, 2015
SAA President Kathleen Roe submits testimony on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
Former archivist Margaret Adams submits testimony on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
AOI President Bill Brown testifies in front of Committee on the Whole on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
FDCA Member Bill Rice testifies in front of Committee on the Whole on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
FDCA member and historian Sarah Schoenfeld testifies in front of Committee on Transportation and the Environment, April 28, 2015
FDCA member Bill Rice testifies in front of the Committee of Education on the Modernization of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, October 22, 2015
FDCA Co-Chairs to Attorney General Karl Racine, January 22, 2015
AOI President to DC Auditor Kathy Patterson, January 12, 2015
AOI President to Phil Mendelson and Mary Cheh on urgent need for staffing of DC Archives, April 14, 2015
Fynnette Eaton on the RFP process in testimony submitted to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment, February 23, 2015
Fynnette Eaton on the need for a new public records administrator to help plan for a new facility submitted to the DC Council Committee on the Whole, March 12, 2015
SAA President Kathleen Roe submits testimony on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
Former archivist Margaret Adams submits testimony on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
AOI President Bill Brown testifies in front of Committee on the Whole on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
FDCA Member Bill Rice testifies in front of Committee on the Whole on DC Archives, April 15, 2015
FDCA member and historian Sarah Schoenfeld testifies in front of Committee on Transportation and the Environment, April 28, 2015
FDCA member Bill Rice testifies in front of the Committee of Education on the Modernization of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, October 22, 2015
Meetings with Elected and Appointed Officials
Meeting with Attorney General Karl Racine, January 20, 2014: FDCA asked the first DC Attorney General to support an effective Office of Public Records and a new facility of the DC Archives.
Historical Studies Conference, November 22, 2014: DC Archivist Bill Branch explained the role of the Office of Public Records, the significance of the DC Archives' holdings, and the latest news on the appropriation for a new facility to replace 1300 Naylor Court.
Letters from Members
AOI President to Mayor-elect Bowser on the importance of the DC Archives, November 5, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Mayor-elect Bowser on the transfer of public records created during her council term, November 20, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Councilmember Tommy Wells on the transfer of public records created during his terms, November 20, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Councilmember Jim Graham on the transfer of public records created during his terms, November 20, 2014
William Brown, Fynnette Eaton and Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz to Mayor-elect Bowser requesting meeting to discuss DC Archives, November 25, 2014
SAA President Danna Bell submits testimony on DC Archives, May 1, 2014
Meetings with Elected and Appointed Officials
Meeting with Attorney General Karl Racine, January 20, 2014: FDCA asked the first DC Attorney General to support an effective Office of Public Records and a new facility of the DC Archives.
Historical Studies Conference, November 22, 2014: DC Archivist Bill Branch explained the role of the Office of Public Records, the significance of the DC Archives' holdings, and the latest news on the appropriation for a new facility to replace 1300 Naylor Court.
Letters from Members
AOI President to Mayor-elect Bowser on the importance of the DC Archives, November 5, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Mayor-elect Bowser on the transfer of public records created during her council term, November 20, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Councilmember Tommy Wells on the transfer of public records created during his terms, November 20, 2014
FDCA Co-Chairs to Councilmember Jim Graham on the transfer of public records created during his terms, November 20, 2014
William Brown, Fynnette Eaton and Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz to Mayor-elect Bowser requesting meeting to discuss DC Archives, November 25, 2014
SAA President Danna Bell submits testimony on DC Archives, May 1, 2014